Young EUSAIR POPRI business ideas
The POPRI competition developed as a local story and became a national, Slovene brand. It’s much more than just young, enthusiastic students learning about business, it’s a process by which technology parks, business communities with start-ups and companies, schools and policy makers, all go hand-in hand to provide quality support to youth. It’s a process by which all stakeholders learn from each other and, consequently, we all grow and develop.
Business models of High-school students
Albania - Wildflower, unique powerfully united
Lenie, innovative technological chair - a chair with a stable iron base, a soft material that resists time, two robotic arms (our secret weapon) that will relax you with massage whenever you feel tired or your back ache starts. It is equipped with detectors for your posture in case you temporarily leave work for another activity. Lenie also reminds you to take short breaks from work, drink water, and eat with vibrations, music, or chair ups and downs. This way our customers will be more productive. It is portable so you can take it with you.
Lenie is suitable for individuals who need to work or study for a long time. There are many chairs or apps on the market that come to your help, but Lenie guarantees all the functions in one. You can sit on it in any activity and work environment. A Lennie costs 800 €. Our goal is for our customers to work happily, healthy, and without stress.
Greece - Company Program
Matchpoint is an innovative application which allows individuals to easily find and book sporting facilities near them. Following a simple signing up procedure, and an expression of interests, location preferences, skill level, consumers are able to easily navigate our free app, so as to find football, basketball or tennis facilities near them. Our application allows consumers to reserve such sporting facilities in addition to pairing them up with players of a similar age and skill level, providing them with a means to incorporate exercise into their daily life with the click of a few buttons, thus embracing and promoting the well being
of the consumer and the unity of society.
On the other hand, the sports centers providing their facilities with which we will cooperate, will also greatly benefit. Through our business they will be able to attain advertising and promote their centers to a much larger audience which may have never heard of them before.
According to the finance department’s estimations, Matchpoint is a sustainable business with the ability of fast scale up. Bearing in mind the great importance of physical exercise for all people, despite their age, we are confident that the creation of Matchpint will benefit all its users who wish to engage in exercising, as it will significantly simplify the process of reserving sporting facilities but will also solve the issue of finding players to play with, which we came to realize following our primary research with questionnaires. As a result, our business clearly has a notable social nature to it, due to the fact that it aids its users in
materializing a healthy lifestyle, which in its turn will yield them a number of other benefits.
Despite the fact that there is currently a small number of competitors in the market, the services that they provide are exclusive to a single sport, as opposed to Matchpoint who offers users a variety of sports to choose from, differentiating it from any other company in the market.
Italy - Leaflife
Ninfa is an innovative product created by our student team, with the help of numerous partners, some of which helped us develop the idea, and others helped us create the prototype. Ninfa was created after the need of finding a perfect device for everyday people helping them taking care at their plants at home.
The development of the idea obviously came after a study of people needs, a study that was evidenced by surveys sent to the public by our teams, those surveys helped us understand better how to create the perfect and more efficient plant meter.
“Are you tired of checking everyday every plant you own in order to understand if they need water or not? Well then you should definitely buy a Ninfa!”
Our team is projected into a future mission of starting to sell Ninfa and investing into our strategies, that’s why we’ve been in contact with our partners and supporters in order to make it possible in the soonest future.
Ninfa is eco-sustainable, it’s completely pollution-free, powered by our partner, Ninfa is composed of plastic made from wood waste. And its main aim is to reduce even the smallest water waste created on houses (made from plants – about 15 liters a year per person).
To let your relationship with nature in your house, happier and stressless.
Montenegro - MEDNEV
MEDNEV Is a start-up company producing our innovative product - nepcalica. Nepcalica is a special device which resolves iciness of gums and eradicates larger amounts of bacteria in the mouth and that way improves clients overall dental health.
Nepcalica is the only device resolving those types of dental issues and that is the power of our project. We don't have any competition on the market right now and nepcalica can be used by anyone... from 4 to 104 years of age.
Our mission is to improve dental health of people while taking care of environment.
North Macedonia - Bioneers
Ecological decomposition of styrofoam with the help of mealworms (Tenebrio Molitor)
There are a number of plant fertilizers on the market, organic, chemical, natural and artificial. Each of them offers some benefits to the consumers, each of them contributes in their own way for the functioning of the market and each of them in some way help the people who grow plants professionally or as a hobby. But imagine a fertilizer that is not only beneficial to plants and consumers, that is not only natural or artificial, but is a symbiosis of both, a fertilizer that has a greater purpose, not only to feed our plants, but also to help save our planet from pollution, to involve people in its production and thus in addition to its primary goal of being a fertilizer, to sell and increase awareness of environmental care. Our idea is to create a fertilizer, by recycling Styrofoam with the help of mealworms, that will make a change and which with its inventiveness on the market will announce a new revolution, not of an industrial nature, but rather an environmental one.
Serbia - VAH - Virtual Analytical Chemistry
VAH is a software intended for everyone who studies or is interested in analytical chemistry. It is a realistically simulated chemical laboratory that faithfully displays chemical reactions. The newest version of the Unity engine allows us to illustrate chemical reactions as realistically as possible. Scripts are written in the programming language C#. The components of the unity engine we used in a way to make our software easy for usage. Our software is proactive – it saves time of preparations of the experiments, resources up to 50-60% comparing to a real laboratory.
Our potential customers are in large numbers, around 40-50 million. We categorized our target customers based on location and value.
It takes a lot of resources to maintain a real lab. With the VAH software, that changes completely. It takes a lot less money, resources, and wherever you go, you have a virtual lab on your hands.
VAH offers users to learn about the processes of analytical chemistry in a creative and interesting way.
Slovenia - VISUS - See with me
See With Me (SWM) is a smart device that communicates data from the environment to blind and partially sighted people via vibrations on the belt. The device is easily placed around the waist and turned on. Functionally, the device would offer a higher level of assistance than a guide dog. We proved its usefulness when we tested the prototype with the help of Miha Srebrnjak. It is easy to handle, as it requires no other care than charging the batteries. It has a built-in GPS and gyroscope, which enable safe movement in urban and rural environments.
The lives of the blind and visually impaired are full of obstacles and problems that the rest of us are not even aware of. For them, walking in a straight line is already a challenge. The device is suitable for all blind and partially sighted people. We came up with the idea for SWM after talking to ten blind people who highlighted the need for new innovations in this area. They rated the usefulness of our device positively and would buy the device. It can be purchased independently or with state co-financing through the catalog of technical aids for the blind and visually impaired. Thus, our commercially advantageous device will not financially burden the users. Its price is 2200 euros. With an additional payment of up to 500 €, the device can also be upgraded and adapted to the individual needs of users.
Visus is a company that strives to facilitate and improve the quality of life of the blind and partially sighted. We want the invisible world to become visible and manageable again with our help.
Business models of University students
Albania - AlterEGO group
Smart Assistant, Smart medical & psycho-social integrated services in family
“Smart Assistant” app, aims to provide integrated social services for people suffering from degenerative diseases of the nervous system: Dementia, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, which affects socially and economically not only patients, but also their families. The innovation that this start up brings is that of creating an application for Android and iPhone where integrated health and psycho-social services are offered for this category. The application enables families to contact directly with professionals (caregivers, nurses, doctors, psychologists) based on a carefully designed database, on some criteria and professional standards. It will enable family members to choose between professionals listed in four categories: doctors, nurses, caregivers, psychologists based not only on their CVs but also on previous opinions and assessments about them. On the other hand, the application will create opportunities to receive up-to-date information on how to treat the disease not only to avoid the lack of information, but above all to offer their families affected by the above diseases a dignified life. The application will contain some SOS numbers for remote counselling in severe and urgent cases, to give first aid and prevent complicated health and psychological situations.
BiH – eMed
E-Klinika is an online platform, i.e., a system for booking an appointment with a doctor. It is designed to simplify the way patients book appointments and provide them with the necessary information in one place while making it easier for clinics to keep records and reservations through automated processes. e-Clinic provides a unique internal communication system within the medical team of a clinic, as well as an external communication system intended for contact of the clinic/doctor with patients. In this way, the e-Clinic connects patients, medical institutions and doctors in one place, using modern technologies and online services.
What makes an e-Clinic system?
➢ Web portal for patients and website visitors
➢ Android mobile application
➢ IOS mobile application
➢ Web module for administration intended for the clinic's
➢ Application server, Web service, Alarm systems
Through direct meeting and digital marketing channels we plan to reach our customers. So far, through market research we had positive feedback that gave us extra motivation to develop this idea and get to the market.
The team is comprised from qualified people that are able to develop this idea and succeed on the market.
Our goal is to bring something new that will make easier access to healthcare institutions and easier inner management to the healthcare institutions.
In order to go to the market, we need 11.000 euro, and our plan is to reach break-even point in the sixth month from the moment of launching our platform.
When it’s necessary, keep it simple!
Italy – SeaSide
The “Sea Side” project arises from the need to rethink a development system that too often forgets its burdens on the land and the seas that host it. “Sea Side” wants to be the protagonist of this change not only by imagining a sea free from human waste, but by forming aware citizens, capable of reversing the course and regaining possession of the beauties of our planet. _ Taking advantage of the collaboration of institutions, associations, cooperatives and universities, "Sea Side" creates a network made up of the social fabric of the city capable of adopting measures aimed at combating and preventing marine pollution. The key basis of the project is the implementation of training and awareness of the issue, especially among the new generations. Our project is divided into the development of four focal activities, which will allow us to achieve our mission and put our philosophy into practice.
These are: monitoring and research, collection of plastic, education and awareness. Our project is community- orientated so our activity is based on the attendance of European announcements funded by the Trieste municipality and the regional government
The future national brand "Voćaka" are products processed from domestic and organic fruit without added sugar or with stevia (jams and juices). It is the production of: pekmez (jams), juices and rakija using one of the following fruits: plum, apple, quince and pear, while the production of juices provides the possibility of adding other fruit. Every packaging part will be recyclable and eco-friendly, from the bottles and jars to the paper delivery bags. Also, bottle and jars will be returnable in order to be reused, if that model proves to be ecologically and socially efficient.
Our products and sales model are suitable for individuals with a busy schedule who are (1) digitally-literate in order to use online shopping, (2) in a need of consuming products with no added sugar for the health reasons, and (3) in the process of enrichment their diet with a healthy product.
The initial sales model will be online (website and application), with a chance of personalizing products, and courier delivery/the usage of our Pickup locations. The time of the delivery for Podgorica will be up to 1 hour, while for the other parts of Montenegro we will organize periodical deliveries based upon the order frequency. Our whole courier fleet will consist out of students, and their work time will totally be in coordination with their student life. In the cooperation with Montenegrin universities, we will aim to introduce the best students to our company and its work through the practical work programs, in order for them to receive much needed practical experience. Since we are students ourselves, we are aware of the fact how much this experience can shape us and our future.
North Macedonia - Aleksandar Gjurovikj in Adam Ristov
Erasmus at a Glance is a paid-subscription knowledge and e-learning platform with resource centre for the new Erasmus plus funding (2021-2027). The new Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) has a total budget of EUR 26.2 billion, an increase of more than 80% compared to the previous period (2014-2020).
The knowledge platform will contain self-learning e-content, templates, and tools (advise, best practice) on the new Erasmus+ funding, targeting in general all potentially interested applicants for the Erasmus+ actions; however, particularly focused on EU and programme countries schools (elementary, secondary schools, and schools for children with disabilities), coupled with NGOs and training providers.
Users will pay an annual subscription fee of €29 for the e-learning platform and the resource centre. The subscription will be paid directly on the platform. The sales channels will also cover use of affiliates. The platform will be promoted through social media, google ads and through the use of direct e-mail marketing.
The investment costs for developing the platform are in the range of €30 000 covering: e-learning content development and e-learning platform development. There are ongoing operational costs: Staff, Cloud services, update of the platform, = €40 000 for first year for team of 2. The projected revenues for the first year are at least 2000 subscribers and € 58 000.
Serbia – Anticorrosives
Innovative technology for manufacturing eco-friendly anticorrosive coating
We have an idea - what now? It is good to test it on the market as soon as possible and find objective reasons that your idea has the potential to succeed. Investors, or the jury of experts at the EUSAIR POPRI youth competition, want to see the same.
The EUSAIR POPRI youth competition template consists of 1 + 9 + 1 chapters. The first (mandatory) chapter is a summary where you briefly describe the entire business model. You can write a summary at the beginning, or complete this chapter later, when you will get a better picture of all the components of the business model by completing the other chapters.
The other 9 (mandatory) chapters are about Lean Frame - a tool used by Startup entrepreneurs around the world (more information can be found in the book Running Lean, Ash Maurya).
In the last chapter "MVP and feedback with interviews" you describe what your prototype or MVP looks like and tell how you obtained confirmation from your potential customers or conducted interviews.
First describe the problem you are solving, then define people you are solving the problem for, describe what your solution looks like, explain how you differ from your competition, how you will attract customers, what are the key indicators for success, what is your elusive advantage and how money will flow in and out of the business.
For easier completion, we will describe an example of Slovenian product ULLA ( in each chapter. The case of ULLA will be described very briefly, so to show you the way of thinking. With the help of the product description and sub-questions, filling out the template will definitely be easier.
Slovenia - Blaž Novšak
Magnet strap winder
The problem I was dealing with when developing the new product was the difficulty of wrapping the connecting straps by hand, which also takes a lot of time. These problems are faced today by truck drivers, farmers, foresters, etc. Because there has been no product on the market that would solve this problem, I have developed a concept and the product that would contribute to the effectiveness of this task in the resulting time savings.
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