Union for the Mediterranean: Annual Report 2020
The Union for the Mediterranean brings together 42 countries to enhance regional cooperation and dialogue through the implementation of concrete projects and initiatives addressing inclusive and sustainable development, stability and integration.
The first Euro-Mediterranean conference, held in Barcelona, Spain on 27-28 November 1995, launched the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, known as the Barcelona Process.
This dialogue framework was born out of a commitment to strengthen relations between Europe and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, with the overall objective of establishing a Mediterranean area of peace, stability and shared prosperity. It later led to the creation of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).
Since 2008, the UfM has reinforced the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, introducing a more structured and pragmatic framework of cooperation that addresses the root causes of the crises we face today.

We must learn the right lessons of the past 25 years, building on our region’s inherent diversity and ensuring no one is left behind.
2020 was the occasion for UfM Member States to celebrate past achievements, and renew their commitment to cooperation and their will to work together more than ever.
Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic further reinforced this commemorative milestone as yet another wake-up call for the international community to move ahead in unity and solidarity. It called for a collective response, and led to true reflection on the ways in which countries cooperate. In order to showcase and even further improve the cooperation, following steps were taken:
- The UfM Secretariat selected key achievements and success stories that addressed key challenges across the Euro-Mediterranean to be showcased during the 25th Anniversary. These included topics like water, the environment and climate change; job creation and local development; and the empowerment of women and youth.
- A campaign named “Voices of the Mediterranean” was launched to reinforce a common Mediterranean identity.
- The 5th UfM Regional Forum brought together the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the UfM Member States on 27 November 2020 to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of the Barcelona Process and reiterate their engagement in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation.
- And last, but not least an Annual Report 2020 was published, tackling the topics of:
Improving quality of life and responding to basic needs: putting water at the top of the region's agenda, bridging the finance gap to provide water for all, understanding the water, food and climate nexus, innovate out of the health crisis, research to avoid the next one...

Providing equal and fairer opportunities: unlocking the keys to Mediterranean growth with trade and investment...

...open dialogue as the fabric of our society, jobs and opportunities as keys to recovery with people power, building resilience in the labour market in the face of COVID-19, teaming up to build back better, digital transformation driving sustainable innovation, unleashing our region's brain power...

...women's rights - encouraging accountability and empowering change driven by women for women, young people, the media and gender stereotypes being the masters of positive change...
Despite many difficulties, responses to the pandemic have also created opportunities to transform society in positive ways. The pandemic has shone a spotlight on the real value of care workers and care work. It has demonstrated the real risk of overlooking gender inequality and discriminatory gender norms.

Enhancing environmental and climate responsibility: towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement with the future-proof climate action, following the region’s scientists’ lead and tackling climate change together, climate financing - investing today to safeguard tomorrow...

...region’s collective expertise to guide energy policy, embracing the energy transition town by town, landmark solar power plant project marks shift towards greener energy...

...boosting regional interconnectivity and mobility on land, sea and in the air, setting the agenda for sustainable and crisis-resilient transport, urban development fit for 2040, going further by going together - mobilising consensus on environment and climate action, laying the foundations for 10 more years of collaboration, the 2030 agenda for a greener Mediterranean, a green pivot for the region’s sustainable blue economy, a step closer towards tackling disasters together...

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