Sustainable Blue Economy call is launched
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) launches a call to foster a "Sustainable Blue Economy". With a total budget of € 14.5 million, the call will accelerate the implementation of the European maritime policy and the deployment of the blue economy across Europe and in the Mediterranean.
The Sustainable Blue Economy call comprises 4 strands to support innovation and bring research results closer to the market as well as increase capacity building and networking for a sustainable use of our sea basins. In this way, the call will support sustainable job creation, innovation and entrepreneurship in the blue economy.
For more detailed information check the extract from the amendement of the Work Programme 2017. For Strands 3 and 4, the non-EU countries are ligible to apply.
The EMFF 2017 Info Day will be held on 9 November 2017, 9:00 -17:30 in Borschette Conference Center, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels.
The Info Day will be opened by Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. It will be open to all sea basins surrounding the EU coasts and will target a wide range of stakeholders.
The day will mark the launch of one of the Commitments of the European Union at the global conference Our Ocean 2017 in Malta and is a direct step to concrete action for a sustainable Blue Economy.
More information, including the full Agenda, information on registration and webstream can be found here.

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