SAVE THE DATE – Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020
The »Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020« will take place between the 14–25 September 2020 at Slovenian coast.
Traditionally, the event aims to raise awareness about the sea, its coast and the natural and economic potential it boasts, and outlines the risks facing the sea and the coast as a result of natural phenomena and human activities. In addition, the event highlights the importance of collaboration to effectively address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.
The fifth Mediterranean Coast and Macro-Regional Strategies Week is one of the key events during Slovenia's Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). Numerous interesting events and activities will take place in cooperation with international, macro-regional and domestic institutions and stakeholders. The event will bring together politicians, decision-makers, experts, civil society and interested public from all levels - local, regional, national and international. Special attention will be given to the stakeholders’ views on the state of play and the future of the sea and coastal management.
The Mediterranean countries have been celebrating the Mediterranean Coast Day since its launch on 25 September 2007. 25 September was chosen as the Mediterranean Coast Day to honor Slovenia as the first country in the Mediterranean region which ratified the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2009. The ICZM Protocol is a unique legal instrument which allows the countries in the Mediterranean to better manage and protect their coastal zones in pursuit of sustainable development. Each year, one of the Mediterranean countries is a host of the Mediterranean Coast Day main celebration, while other countries organize their own events.
In Slovenia, the celebration is widely known as the “Mediterranean Coast Week” and is inextricably linked to regional cooperation under the three European macro-regional strategies which are implemented in Slovenian territory, namely the Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine Strategy. Without cooperation, there are no appropriate solutions and no common future.
“Mediterranean Coast Week” will take place between the 14 -25 September 2020 at Slovenian coast.
Organizers will adapt to the situation and instructions in line with the future developments of COVID-19 pandemic and modify the programme accordingly and /or hold online events, therefore please stay tuned for more accurate information about the event, which will be available in due time on the dedicated sub-webpage of EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR).
In the meantime, we kindly invite you to read a few short reports of some parts of last year's event:
- Official opening of the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2019,
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