Recap info on Innovation events in September 2022
Dear EUSAIR Innovation Community,
following Innovation Capacity Building event on 23th of September on the topics of »Innovation: Green transition in macro regions« and »EUSAIR Pillar 1: Innovation for Sustainable Blue Economy« in Izola, we conducted a short survey about participant's satisfaction of the event where we focused on Circular Economy. With the survey, suggestions of the possible topics for the next event were gathered.
Full results of the survey are published here (at the end of the presentations of the event): Presentations - Adriatic-IONIAN
The main findings of survey are (24 answers received):
- Most of the participants in the survey attended the event and the event met their expectations.
- Most useful information within Circular Economy were related to:
1. Good practices of other macro regions, S3/S4 methodologies
2. Workshops with concrete recommendations for policy makers
3. Theoretical presentation of the topic and practical examples.
- For the next event we gave suggestions of some topics and an option to state additional topics, based on participants interest. Most interest there was in:
1. Foreign direct investments (FDI)
2. Green public procurement
3. Ecological farming/Rural development
4. Circular bio-economy, Blue Biotechnology
- Participants of the survey would like that the next events include: Theoretical presentations of the topics with related EU policies goals, Main challenges, other Quadruple Helix stakeholders (Academia, Industry, Civil society) to be included more and good practices of other countries.
A great thank you to all the participants of the survey and the event!
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The Hellenic Republic assumes the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) (1 June 2024 – 31 May 2025)