Putting Science into Standards 2021 on Organ on Chip technologies is now open for registration!
We are excited to let you know that the workshop Putting Science into Standards 2021 on Organ on Chip technologies is now open for registration.
Since 2013, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) and the European Standardization Organizations CEN and CENELEC have carried out an annual joint ‘foresight on standardization’ action under the Putting Science into Standards (PSIS) initiative. The PSIS initiative aims to facilitate the identification of emerging science and technology areas that could benefit from standardization activities to enable innovation and promote industrial competitiveness.
The 2021 PSIS edition will be focusing on Organ-on-Chip (OoC) or Micro Physiological Systems (MPS), innovative devices that emulate human/animal biology and can reproduce one or more aspects of an organ’s functionality. Among other benefits, they can lead to better testing of drugs and adapted treatments to genetic diversity, ethnicity, sex and age; reduce the cost of clinical trials and replace animal testing for cosmetic products, banned in Europe since 2013. Find out more in the event brochure.
This event aims to facilitate the exchange of views on the future development of this technology, its application areas and stakeholder needs in order to identify how European standardization can support its safe, widescale deployment, and by doing so also:
- Facilitate their implementation in the current and future regulatory framework;
- Support with reliable methods that are even more critical for use of OoC in emergency situations, when drug/vaccine development and testing procedures are necessary, as in the current COVID-19 drug rush;
- Strengthen Europe’s position as leader in the promotion of more ethical use of animals in testing;
- Help European OoC start-ups to increase their reliability and their market share.
If interested, we offer you to read a short brochure on the topic available HERE.
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