PRESS RELEASE – 10th Thematic Steering Group meeting for Pillar 4 “Sustainable Tourism”
PODGORICA, 4-5 April 2019
The 10th meeting of the Thematic Steering Group for Pillar 4 - "Sustainable Tourism" (TSG 4) of the EUSAIR took place in Podgorica, Montenegro on 4-5 April 2019. The meeting was attended by representatives of the ministries responsible for tourism and culture from the seven participating countries of the EUSAIR (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Serbia). At the meeting participated also the thematic expert from Albania, representative of the European Commission (DG REGIO), deputy national coordinator for EUSAIR Montenegro, as well as guests, representatives of organizations: AI-NURECC, PANORAMED, RCC and the Council of Europe Rooutes4U project.
Participants adopted operational conclusions of the 9th TSG4 meeting recapitulating the decisions taken and state of play of implementing the those operational conclusions. The processes of strengthening sustainable tourism in Europe and the Adriatic-Ionian region were discussed. Cooperation with other initiatives and institutions were presented and joint actions that could enhance collaboration with the organizations present in the Adriatic-Ionian region were considered. As regards the EUSAIR, the participants of the 10th TSG4 meeting proposed suggestions of projects that show possibility and potential to be developed in cooperation with other thematic group of the EUSAIR, namely the TSG1, TSG2, TSG3.
The meeting was held back to back with the Round table on Tourism and Culture. The event represented a joint action in the framework of the current Montenegrin Presidency of Adriatic-Ionian Initiative.