The BlueTourMed project, the Horizontal Project of the Interreg MED on Sustainable Tourism, came to an end in October 2019. But the good news now is, that this Horizontal project on Sustainable Tourism has been renewed untill June 2022. Why is this news of your interest?
Since November 2016, 17 territorial cooperation projects, with more than 200 partner organisations active in 12 Euro-Mediterranean countries, have worked together as a community. One of the main results of BlueTourMed project has been the creation of this Community of actors, with several partners from the EUSAIR area, working on tourism sustainability that understand the importance of connections with other modular projects and the leverage effect of sharing knowledge and prepare documents, messages, outputs, etc.
The association Adriatic Ionian Euroregion has been actively involved in the project implementation giving its contribution in the project activities, as well as in disseminating the project results in the Adriatic Ionian Macro-regional area.
The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion is hereby sharing the Policy_Recommendations produced by this community of projects on Sustainable Tourism, the recommendations are for the Mediterranean area, but they can be transposed also to our Adriatic Ionian Macro-region. The document gathers the main high-level policy messages of the MED Community and offering a match with current initiatives on tourism.
For the latest updates and other interesting documents on this community, we invite you to check their website and social media channels:
Website: https://sustainable-tourism.interreg-med.eu
Twitter: @MEDCommunity3_1
LinkedIN: Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism
Facebook: Sustainable Tourism Community - Interreg Med
YouTube: Sustainable Tourism Interreg MED