PILLAR 2: Connecting the Region

The specific objectives for this pillar are:

-To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system.

-To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers.

-To achieve a well-interconnected and well-functioning internal energy market supporting the three energy policy objectives of the EU – competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability.

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, Pillar 2 will focus on three topics:

  • Topic 1 – Maritime transport
  • Topic 2 – Intermodal connections to the hinterland
  • Topic 3 – Energy networks
Italy , Serbia and North Macedonia

Pillar 2 Coordinators

Mr Pierluigi Coppola pierluigi.coppola@mit.gov.it
Ms Tanja Popovićtanja.popovic@mgsi.gov.rs
Mr. Jovica Rakićjovica.rakic@mgsi.gov.rs
Ms Jasminka Kirkovakirkova@mtc.gov.mk
Mr Sergio F. Garribbacentro.p@virgilio.it
Ms Biljana Ramićbiljana.ramic@mre.gov.rs
Mr Dragiša Lazarevićdragisa.lazarevic@mre.gov.rs

Contact of Coordinators and Deputies

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21st Thematic Steering Group meeting for Pillar 2 – Energy
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