Open Public Procurement Procedure – EUSAIR Pillar 1: Blue Growth
Guidance and counselling services for the development of Pillar 1: Blue Growth project ideas

As a project partner in the framework of the strategic project “FACILITY POINT- Supporting the governance of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)” and in support of coordination for EUSAIR Pillar 1: Blue Growth, the Special Service for Strategy, Planning and Evaluation of the Greek Ministry of Development and Investment publishes an open procurement procedure.
The open procedure concerns the procurement of the services of external experts for development of five project idea into bankable projects. All five project ideas have been approved by the members of Thematic Steering Group of the Adriatic-Ionian Strategy for Blue Growth of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR).
Procurement is divided into 5 lots:
LOT 1: "Fishing tourism and ichthyotourism diversification activities in the Adriatic-Ionian Region (FishTourAir) ”, estimated value 80,000 Euros including VAT.
LOT 2: «Evaluating freshness and authenticity with real-time non-destructive methods to increase the value added of Adriatic Ionian macroregion produced fish (AIM - FRISH) », estimated value 80,000 Euros including Taxes.
LOT 3: "Aquaculture Marine Observatory Systems (AMOS)", estimated value 80,000 Euros including Taxes.
LOT 4: "Sustainable packaging of fish and seafood based on marine bioresources (SeaSusPAck)", estimated value 80,000 Euros including VAT.
LOT 5: “The Effects of anthropogenic pressures and climate change in the nutritional and commercial value of two small pelagic fish species of importance to ADRION region fisheries: Biodiversity and energy flow from the Ecosystem to the final product (EURYNOME) ", with an estimated value of 80,000 Euros including VAT.
Bids may be submitted for all sections, for one section or for multiple sections.
Expressions of interest should be submitted no later than May 26, 2022 at 17:00 EEST.
We kindly ask to forward this to any partners/ consultants that might be interested in submitting a proposal.
Attached you will find the full text of the announcement in Greek, which is also available in electronic form via the following links:

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The Hellenic Republic assumes the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) (1 June 2024 – 31 May 2025)