Non-Paper on Macro Regional Strategies
Upon invitation of the European Parliament Committee on Regional Development - REGI Committee and its Chair Mr. Younous Omarjee, Non-Paper on Macro Regional Strategies, containing fundamental information on the status-quo of the four MRS, their potentials, mode of operation with basic facts and the main challenges was submitted.
The MRS non-paper was prepared by a group of well-informed key stakeholders from all four Macro-Regional Strategies.
It allocates important information and insights into the MRSs from the experience and the perspective of key stakeholders in positions steering the MRSs, Thematic areas and from civil society's view. Additional value derives from the fact, that the non-paper presents a comprehensive view on all four (partly overlapping) MRSs while, at the same time, highlighting differences and specifics. The authors presented a limited number of carefully selected recommendations with the confidence that these recommendations may contribute to a better implementation of the MRS.
Please NOTE, the non-paper presents the personal opinion of the authors only, which is not necessarily concordant with the position of the institutions the authors are working for.
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