NAMIRS has been officially launched!
The NAMIRS project (North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System) will lead towards adopting a holistic approach to marine pollution incident management at the North Adriatic sea and on-shore.
At the Central European Initiative (CEI) – Executive Secretariat headquarters in the city of Trieste, in front of numerous project partners, supporters and media, the ambitious NAMIRS project has been officially launched!
Distinguished guests from Slovenia, Italy and Croatia have highlighted the importance of regional cooperation and cross-sectorial coordination with the NAMIRS project, which will lead towards adopting a holistic approach to marine pollution incident management at the North Adriatic sea and on-shore. The NAMIRS project (North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System) has been fully developed by the EUSAIR’s Environmental Quality Pillar and EUSAIR Facility Point Project Partner Municipality of Izola, co-financed by the Interreg Adrion programme.
The project will last two years, from March 2022 until February 2024, and is co-financed by the European Commission, DG ECHO, in the framework of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism. As such, it is for the very first time in the history of EUSAIR, that additional funds are being obtained for the implementation of the macro-regional strategic project at the EUSAIR level, while the project can be also implemented in the other Adriatic-Ionian countries.
“We are very much proud of the project’s launch, yet we will not stop at this point. Our next goal refers to ballast water contingency plan, since it may pose, due to North Adriatic increased marine traffic, serious ecological, economic and health problems,” said dr. Mitja Bricelj, coordinator of the EUSAIR thematic steering group for environmental quality in the region, at the project’s kick-off in Trieste.

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