Message in a Bottle: How to communicate macro-regional strategies?
On 18 September 2018 Interact organized an event "Message in a Bottle: Communication across MRS: How to communicate macro-regional strategies?" as part of the Mediterranean coast and EU macro-regional strategic week on the Slovenian coast.
- There is a need for more clarity in communication. This is need might materialise in a tailor-made training for the key implementers of MRS.
- There is a need for a better stakeholder mapping in MRS. The platform as well as the EuroAccess tool help in identifying both stakeholders and funding sources.
- Events where MRS can be communicated to an interested audience (annual forums, participation days, stakeholder platforms, etc) bear the capacity to identify motivated multipliers for the macro-regional endeavour.
- The revision of the Action Plans of the EUSBSR and the EUSDR are also exercises to improve both the internal and external communication of these MRS.
- Success stories are of utmost importance when it comes to communicating MRS, both for involving journalists and politicians/policy makers. Starting from this, specific training in story telling emerge for internal and external communication.
- There can be mutual gains between Interreg and MRS. For MRS, Interreg is a – albeit not the only – funding source also for communication purposes. Moreover, strategic Interreg projects reach out to a world of citizens and policy makers and thereby also to other funding sources. They thereby have a specific communication potential for MRS. However, a certain degree of harmonisation between Interreg communication and MRS communication is needed.
- Participants welcomed the initiative to discuss communication activities among the four MRS. A follow-up organised by Interact or other stakeholders would be highly appreciated.