#SEA4FUTURE: Meeting among EUSAIR and ESIF/IPA Programme authorities
On the 17 September 2019, the Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy, acting as EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner, organised a 1st dialogue meeting among EUSAIR key implementers and ESIF/IPA Programme Authorities at the regional level. The 1-day long event was attended by more than 65 participants from 12 countries.

The meeting aimed to build upon the already established frameworks of cooperation in the EUSAIR countries known as »Financial dialogues« and discuss forther options to established a continued and strengthened cooperation between the EUSAIR governance structures and ESIF/IPA Programme Authorities in the region as regards tackling territorial challenges in the next multiannual financial framework 2021-2027:
Several points of discussion were put on the table:
-to efficiently adress teritorial challenges in the region, macroregional priorities should be embedded into ESIF/IPA Strategic and Programming documents adressing post 2020,
-in the embedding exercise, the EUSAIR could take into account the embedding experience of the EUSBSR colleagues and especially, the EUSBSR good practice of establishing the so-called Managing Authority (MA) networks,
-a dialogue among EUSAIR governance structures and ESIF/IPA Programme Authorities should be continued and strengthened,
-to smoothly implement those tasks, the EUSAIR should invest effort in mapping stakeholders, raising awareness of its added value at the national level and establish a relevant task force.
Representatives of macro-regional strategies and Interreg programs, such as EUSBSR, Interact, Interreg ADRION programme and the European Commission's services DG for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement (DG NEAR) also attended the event.
Representatives of the European Commission DG REGIO and DG NEAR stressed the importance of youth when thinking of new forms of cooperation, the multilevel governance necessity and a necessity for countries to recognize macro-regional cooperation as investment in their common future instead a loss of money.
On top of that, representatives of the Interreg ADRION programme exposed the importance of creating synergies with other cohesion, IPA and European Terrirorial Cooperation programmes and highlighted the role of JRC S3 Platforms as a potential framework for future investments.
The 1st dialogue meeting among EUSAIR key implementers and ESIF/IPA Programme Authorities showed that a sustained and strengthened dialogue is much appreciated and needed in the Adriatic-Ionian Region.
Read full Report here.
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