Macro Regional Strategies & Interreg transnational cooperation in synergy with the EEN to enhance growth in territories
In the Macro Regional Strategies and through Interreg transnational and cross-border programmes, challenges around entrepreneurship, research & innovation, and broader economic development including internationalization are addressed in tight collaboration with the ENN.
The EEN, as the world’s largest support network for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is rooted in regional ecosystems. The ERDF supports SMEs, and European Territorial Cooperation offers adequate framework for peer-to-peer exchanges, and a participatory approach, while it underpins growth, jobs, and the economic activity of functional areas.
The above mentioned B2B events are organised also in other MRSs, clusters already benefitted from the matching services of the EEN, transnational cooperation for smart industrial transition is supported by making use of the interplay between clusters and the participating regions’ S3 strategies as you can read in the short summary, prepared by European Commission.
You can find more examples about how European territorial cooperation projects benefit from the services and tools of the Enterprise Europe in the following brochure that has been published by DG GROW.