Young Bled Strategic Forum
Bled, Slovenia | 31 August - 1 September 2021did you already hear about the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF)?
This is a yearly format conference that connects young leaders, entrepreneurs, social activists, active citizens, and other creative individuals aged between 18 and 35 years, from all over the world to engage in lively discussions and develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global issues. We would kindly ask you to share the application form among your network, may it be through your email communication or on social media, in order to reach as many young individuals as possible and give them an opportunity to participate in the activities.
This edition of the Young BSF will be organised under the title: Future of Europe - Youth at the Centre, focusing on active participation of youth within their societies and on the European level. Young participants will, through interactive workshops, round table discussions and other networking activities, discuss opportunities for their active participation within societies, identify challenges and offer solutions needed in order to guarantee, that young Europeans truly are at the Centre. Their ideas, creativity and vision will contribute to the formation of a declaration envisaging a blueprint of the Future of Europe they desire, deserve and wish to help create.
Young representatives will be included in online preparatory events and the main forum, set to be organised in a live format with participation from August 31st to September 1st 2021 at Bled, Slovenia.
Ensuring equal opportunities to attend the Forum is of the utmost importance, enabling the participation of talented, inspiring individuals, regardless of their social background and ability to pay. The organisers are working closely with partners to provide all participants with accommodation, while a number of travel grants for candidates from various backgrounds and nationalities will be ensured. These grants may be awarded to selected participants on a case-by-case basis and only up to the amount assigned by the organisers, who will also ensure equal regional and expert representation.

All applications are to be submitted through the jotform platform.
Take a look at:
- Concept note of the Young BSF 2021
- Bled Strategic forum webpage with more information in regard to the Young BSF
- Facebook page
- Instagram account
- Twitter account
Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
We look forward to see you at the picturesque mountain resort of lake Bled!