Meeting of EU Strategy for Adriatic-Ionian Region smart specialization representatives
Online | 23-24 September 2020The first Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) meeting aims to exchange information, experience and provide mutual learning between Adriatic-Ionian Government Officials on the topics of: (i) S3 implementation in the programming period 2014-2020; (ii) S3 design in the next programming period. Additionally, the aim of the meeting is also to establish links between relevant Adriatic-Ionian Government Officials to spur future S4 macro-regional cooperation. Government Officials are going to present their regional/national strategies, exchange experience on its design and discuss possibilities for future cooperation.
The 2nd day of the meeting is dedicated specifically to Blue Growth, particularly to Blue bio economy topics: strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the cooperation in the field of blue bio economy in the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region.