Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week 2018

Izola, Koper, Portorož | 18-28 September 2018

The Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week

18–28 September 2018

Izola, Koper, Portorož (Slovenia)


The traditional Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week known also as Mediterranean Coast Week will be held under the slogan "See My Sea" in the coastal towns of Slovenia - Izola, Koper and Portorož.

The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of the sea, the coast and its hinterland, and of natural resources and economic potential they represent, as well as to outline risks to which the sea and the coast are exposed due to natural phenomena and human actions. The event provides an opportunity to bring together practitioners, experts and the general public from the Baltic, Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine macro-regions and to discuss environmental connectivity and other macro-regional challenges as well as the communication between macro-regional strategies. The Week will feature a special event in honour of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

The 10-day event is free of charge.

Majority of activites over the whole duration of the 10-day event are open to the public. More information about the events and registration guidance are in the overall programme available in SI and EN language. 

The official opening of the Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week 2018 will be take place on Tuesday, 18 September 2018, at 12.00 noon in the Manzioli Palace, 5 Manzioli Square, Izola. Check the programme of the official opening and register here by 14 September 2018.

Some events are closed for the public and some events require a separate registration. Check the overall programme and register accordingly.


The Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week is organized at the occassion of the Mediterranean Coast Day celebrated since the 25th of September 2007. The 25th of September was chosen to honor Slovenia as the first Mediterranean country which ratified the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2009 - the unique legal instrument allowing countries to better manage and protect their coastal zones in pursuit of sustainable development.

In Slovenia, we are linking the celebration to the regional cooperation under the three European macro-regional strategies on the Slovenian territory, namely the Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine strategy.


The main event of Mediterranean Coastal Week 2018 Drawing the future of the coastal road on a 2.24 km long roll of paper spread along the Izola–Koper is open to public and aims to raise awareness about the possibility of co-creating public space, get proposals for spatial planning, and promote active citizenship. 

The macro-regional aspect of the  Mediterranean Coastal Week 2018 will be addressed through the workshop on Ecological connectivity and green infrastructure involving actors from the Alpine and Adriatic-Ionian regions. The macro-regional communication aspect will be presented at the workshop Message in a bottle where participants will discuss ways to improve internal and external communication.

The events of the Mediterranean Coastal Week are also part of the EU wide campaings. The University of Primorska will organize workshops and experiments with scientists in the towns of Koper and Izola as part of the European Researchers' Night 2018 celebration.

As part of the European Territorial Cooperation Day 2018 and in the light of a Year of European Cultural Heritage 2018, the participants of the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020 Co-operation Programme event will exchange good practices and plan various joint activities with the aim of strengthening cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia in the field of cultural heritage.


Take a look at the recap video of the Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week 2017 to get a glimpse of what the Macro-regional Coast Week is all about.

More information can be found in the left-side bar menu.  

Further details about the event will be published in the next weeks.