Greek Conference on Blue Growth: From Marine & Maritime Services towards new drivers for economic & territorial change
Online | 24 Junes 2021![Screenshot_2021-06-10 Online Greek Conference on Blue Growth From Marine Maritime Services towards new drivers for economic[...]](

Therefore it is of great importance for maritime spatial planning to be efficient!

More on the topic How can Maritime Spatial Planning support resilience of European land sea interactions? is available in the Topic paper, which is a basis of the event to be held on 24 June 2021.
ESPON conference organised by the Greek Authorities of the Ministry of Development & Investments within the ESPON-TNO project will focus on the development of a sustainable Blue growth and its potential role as a driver for change in Greece and the Mediterranean in general. It takes into consideration the new policies adopted and pomoted by the EU in the 2021-2027 period. Various experts will exchange their insights with policymakers, academics, and the business sector while case studies from other territories will be introduced with the aim of understanding & building integrated development strategies and making policy suggestions for the marine and adjoining territories.
Click below to register for the online Greek conference on Blue Growth: From Marine & Maritime Services towards new drivers for economic & territorial change on 24th of June 2021 (10:20-17:20 Athens time, CEST+1).
Various experts will exchange their insights with policy-makers, academics, and the business sector, while case-studies from other territories will be introduced with the aim of understanding & building integrated development strategies and making policy suggestions for the marine and adjoining territories.
The discussions during the event will be structured into four parts:
Part 1: Opening panel: Maritime and Marine Services - Maritime Spatial Planning – Interlinkages and synergies in the framework of Cohesion Policy
Part 2: The role of the ESPON programme in Blue Growth – Research backbone
Part 3: Good practices in the Mediterranean and beyond
Part 4: Closing panel: Blue Growth and Cohesion Policy in 2021-2027