Portorož, Slovenia | 5 - 8 December 2023Slovenia will host the 23rd Meeting of the Mediterranean States in Portorož and for the second time in its history will assume the two-year Presidency of the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea and Coasts, better known as the Barcelona Convention. This year's meeting is being held under the slogan For a green Mediterranean: from decisions to action.
The Conference for the Mediterranean will take place from 5-8 December 2023 at the Hotel Bernardin, Portorož. You are invited to register for the accompanying events, which are detailed in the programme HERE.
You can register on the portal:
IMPORTANT NFORMATION REGARDING REGISTRATION: Registration is mandatory for participation due to UN secuirtz arrangementts. To register choose Side Events : For organisers and side events visitors.
More information about the conference can be found on the official website