Cooperating for investment, investing in cooperation
Brussels, Belgium | 28 November 2018Interact is organising an event "Cooperating for investment, investing in cooperation" in order to deal with innovative methods of cooperation such as ITI, CLLD, JAPs, financial instruments, and - not the last - Macro-regional Strategies.
In the framework of Interact activities for the follow-up and promotion of new tools for cooperation throughout ESI funds and instruments, also given the interest showed by a number of European regions, Macro-regional Strategies’ stakeholders and practitioners wanting to implement a closer cooperation and exchange between the opportunities offered in the framework of Cohesion Policy, this event is aimed at pointing out what is the current situation for the use and implementation of these tools and – as well – to identify future perspectives for the (simplified) use of new tools for cooperation and development, also in the framework of the EU Macro-regional strategies.
Check out the Agenda for other necessary information and logistic details.
You are also invited to visit their website and read about the New tools for territorial development and cooperation in IGJ for the programming period 2014-2020.