Conference on Blue Growth
Agios Nikolaos, Crete | 24 October 2022
Just two weeks left till we meet to explore and debate the importance of the sustainable blue economy findings in view of the programming period 2021-2027, to network with blue growth actors, to debate on trends and achievements in the Blue Economy fields, as well as to prepare and elaborate blue projects within the EUSAIR, but also in a wider context.
To this end, please take a look at the Concept Note of the Conference, a short preview on what is coming up at our event including the Agenda of the Conference and the practical information about the venue and accommodation.
You are kindly reminded to make your own arrangements regarding your travel and accommodation in the city.
Transfer services from the Heraklion airport to Agios Nikolaos and back will be provided by the organizers (check on the practical info for the bus transfer schedules and the registration).
The Blue Growth Conference is free of charge: unless you have already registered, please register here by Wednesday, October 19th, 2022.