15th EUSAIR Governing Board meeting
Online event via EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform | 25 May 2021
#SloPresidencyEUSAIR is slowly running to its conclusion tasks...
Two of them is to be discussed at the 15th extraordinary EUSAIR Governing Board meeting:
Outcomes of the EUSAIR Task Force: Future EUSAIR Governance support, meaning 9 EUSAIR participating countries are hand in hand designing a new Eusair Facility Point!

European Commission's study on the EUSAIR facilitating the enlargement process

Do you know that EUSAIR has a great role in enlargement process of the Western Balkans?
It includes 5 non-EU member states (with even more wishing to join us) and assures them an equal role in the strategy as is given to EU member states!
Hence upcoming Albanian Presidency! We are already eager to see their 1st steps! 🤩