EUSAIR facilitating the enlargement process of Western Balkans
Final Report by European Commission, DG REGIO
Why is EUSAIR such an attractive Macro-regional Strategy and keeps on expanding its borders and adding new participating countries?
Because of its significant role in the enlargement process!
The Final Report highlights the assets EUSAIR offers to the enlargement process, such as:
- its horizontal cooperation;
- a regional dimension that connects the Western Balkans to the EU;
- the convergence of interests between member states and non-member states on enlargement;
- its cooperative nature;
- its capacity-building contribution;
- easing the adoption of the acquis communautaire in the Western Balkan countries;
- fostering administrative capacity with grounded, evidence-based policies, generating cohesion competencies in the Western Balkan countries;
- helping the implementation of EU policies and strategies beyond EU borders;
- offering a framework where different levels, processes, strategies, and funds may converge;
- promoting a strong involvement of stakeholders and participatory policy-making that increase the accountability of governments and consolidate democracy.
A number of policy recommendations were done in this field.
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The Hellenic Republic assumes the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) (1 June 2024 – 31 May 2025)