ENI CBC Virtual exhibition

A click away - Navigating through the richness of Neighbourhood cooperation
It is a greener, more social, more cohesive Europe and its neighbourhood: and from tomorrow we will show it to you.
Have a look at how tens of thousands of people across the European external borders are working together, building roads to connect markets and to improve tourism, recycling waste into fertilisers, preserving threatened species to reverse biodiversity decline. Today, 932 cross-border cooperation projects are ongoing, for a total implementation budget of 1,7 billion EUR. This is the ENI CBC community: 3.502 organisations, European and non-European alike, bound together to stimulate economic growth, to deliver knowledge transfers, to fight common environmental challenges.
This is now visible, just browse around this virtual exhibition prepared by TESIM – the technical assistance project supporting the implementation and management of the ENI CBC programmes - and discover the many, different actions bringing a positive change to the populations of border regions.
We have analysed this material, regrouping it in four sectors of intervention: Environment, Economic development, People-to-people cooperation, and Cross-border infrastructure. Inside each sector are the flagship projects divided by subcategories, offering pictures and links to maps, interviews, and articles.
It is a world becoming alive, displaying the richness and variety of initiatives, the faces of the protagonists, the stories behind the people. This exhibition is just the first step and is by no means exhaustive: it will grow overtime, to bring you more stories, more faces. Because neighbours matter.
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