Council Conclusions on Sustainable Blue Economy
Council of the European Union prepared a working paper for the purposes of Council Conclusions on Sustainable Blue Economy, in which it recognises "our" proposals for modern Spatial Planning at Sea and calls on Member States to strengthen the delivery of ecosystem goods and services and achieve ecological, econoic and social objectives, as well as to minimize conflicts between differetn activities at sea, as well as welcomes the establishment of Blue corridors on sea in Maritime Spatial Planning as a measure to imrpove the functional connectivity of ecological networks and to ensure sustainable fisheries and navigation in marine ecoregions.
With this action, we have taken a concrete step towards integrating the contents of comprehensive management of water, sea, nature and space and towards adaptation to climate change at national, cross-border and regional level (Adriatic / Ionian / Mediterranean). This may be an important link to the implementation of the UN (Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on Climate Change), the EU and the national acquis on the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources.
Let us all hope for it to be approved also in the final reading!
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