Congratulations on the Mediterranean Coast Day!!
The 5th Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020 came to the end and our #SloPresidencyEUSAIR National Coordinator Andreja Jerina concluded it with the words:
Despite a very difficult situation due to Covid-19, more than 1.000 people from EUSBSR, EUSALP, EUSDR, EUSAIR exchanged their views, best practices, resources, knowledge, ideas and most importantly good will to talk and trust to each other! She stressed the unique interministerial cooperation with strong support of EUSAIR Facility Point.
Together we proved that Europe IS strong and resilient, but only when it is green and smart!
Another message to be shared, is the one by the Pillar Coordinator for Environemental Quality:
The result of the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020 is the establishment of clear links between:
- EUSAIR Pillars and Governing Board,
- cross-border projects, European Commission with its call, Interact and EU Green Deal potentials,
- EU Smart Specialisation and land-based coastal development planning (RBMP, ICZM, SMEs).
There has never been such high cross-border consensus for the implementation of priority cross-border projects that benefit all coastal countries. Never in history has so much money been available to fund agreed projects in the EUSAIR process. This is a great achievement of joint forces and the best gift possible for Adriatic-Ionian countries on this Mediterranean Coast Day!
And last, but not least a word of EUSAIR youth, which summons us upon an increased concern for the Mediterranean Sea! Enjoy in the video below as well as in the well deserved common achievements!
The UN Environment Program/UNEP Mediterranean Action Program/MAP declared 25 September for the “Mediterranean Coast Day”, due to the first ratification of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Management/ICZM Protocol of the Barcelona Convention in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 25 September 2009.
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The Hellenic Republic assumes the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) (1 June 2024 – 31 May 2025)