Financial dialogue meeting 2018 (SI)
The annual financial dialogue meeting between the Slovenian implementers of European Structural and Investment funds (ESIF), European territorial cooperation programes and the three EU macro-regional strategies was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the 13th of February 2018.
This year, a special dedication was given to the relationship between the Managing Authorities of the ESIF programes and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionain Region (EUSAIR) key implementers - Pillar coordinators and Thematic Steering Group members. The participants reported on the work done, shared experience and made practical proposals on how to improve the current relationship between programs and strategy at the national level for a mutual benefit. The priorities of Slovenia that could be reflected in development of macro-strategic projects were addressed in depth, referring to the labelling process and financial / funding sources for macro-strategic projects, taking into account the specifics of each EUSAIR thematic pillar. In that respect, the participants recognized the role of the EUSAIR Facility Point as crucial. The representative of European Commission Representation in Slovenia presented the financial opportunities through European Fund for Strategic Investments.
The stock was taken on the role and future developments of the EU macro-regional strategies in the new financial framework post 2020 and potential consequences for Slovenia.
Financial dialogue 2018 is a continuation of a series of meetings, that started on the initiative of the European Commission in the four EU member states participating in the EUSAIR. Slovenia organized the first dialogue in 2017. Participants recognized the importance of such meetings between the ESIF and EUSAIR implementers and decided to further develop a relationship by strengthening communication and make it more regular.

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