Conclusions for the Pillar I Session:
Blue growth emerging/promising sectors fostering development and sustainability in the Adriatic and Ionian Region
Interesting topics have been raised or are to be implemented in the countries of the Adriatic Ionian region focusing on how to incorporate new emerging/promising sectors of the new blue economy fostering development and sustainability in the Adriatic and Ionian region towards the challenges of the climate change.
The session has highlighted the Adriatic and Ionia region's needs for economic growth, research and innovation, job creation, as well as support to local communities while ensuring the protection and conservation of the marine ecosystem and its resources.
Ιn the context of Pillar 1 session, issues concerning the development of the sustainable blue economy, green and digital transition as well as smart specialization and circular economy in the Adriatic and Ionian region were discussed.
Reference was made to the contribution of integrated water management, from desalination to wastewater treatment. In addition, innovative methods that contribute to monitoring the sea food products were presented. Finally, ways to strengthen cooperation and collective actions for the sustainable and innovative development of the blue economy in the Adriatic and Ionian region were explored and identified the following emerging blue economy sectors and areas for cooperation.
Regarding the new blue economy, emerging sectors
- The emerging sectors, ocean and marine renewable energy will continue to be key to the EU’s and EUSAIR countries ambitions and goals
- The most notable sub-sector in blue biotechnology is the algae sector
- Cooperation on a sea basin and macroregional approach is vital for achieving the sustainability in the blue economy sectors
- MSP and Innovation Community are key drivers towards sustainability
- Blue Economy sectors generate a significant gross added value and employment in the EU, including established and emerging ones
- The EMFAF fund, the Horizon, the SBE partnership as well as the Interreg and mainstream regional and national sectoral programs can contribute to identifying and financing Research, Development, and innovative studies, partnerships as well as projects such as those introduced in today's session: The efficient utilization of water–blue energy- environment, the optimization of value-chains for fish and seafood products to reach the EU market and to develop an integrated sustainable approach to improve quality, efficiency, and effectiveness during the supply chain.
Regarding the impact on EUSAIR Macro-regional Action Plan
According to the EUSAIR methodology to guide TSGs in preparing the contents of the revised action plan, which was adopted by the Revision Working Group and the GB of the EUSAIR: ‘’A new feature in the revised Action Plan would be a specific chapter dedicated to the horizontal/cross-cutting topics. Today's contributions to the Pillar 1 session are therefore a starting point to further the discussion in the revised Action Plan on emerging / promising sectors as well horizontal topics and actions fostering innovative development and sustainability in the Adriatic and Ionian Region."