The 18th meeting of the EUSAIR Thematic Steering Group on Environmental Quality
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, the European Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) Thematic Steering Group on Environmental Quality convened for its 18th meeting. The meeting centered around the progress made in implementing the priority projects of Pillar III, which aims to improve the environmental quality of the region. The projects discussed will also serve as the Pillar's contribution to the 8th EUSAIR Forum scheduled to take place in Sarajevo on May 24-25, 2023.
The 18th meeting of the European Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) Thematic Steering Group on Environmental Quality was held on Tuesday 28 March 2023. The meeting presented the implementation of the priority projects of Pillar III - Environmental Quality of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), which will also be the Pillar's contribution to the 8th EUSAIR Forum to be held in Sarajevo on 24-25 May 2023 - more information
The title of the contribution to the Forum will be “Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention through RBM, ICZM and MSP”. The progress of the first concrete example of siting flagship projects into EU funds (Embedding) in any pillar in the history of the strategy was also presented, entitled: "The North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System - NAMIRS" – more information available here and here.
This puts one of the EUSAIR flagship projects into practice. Read more about the other three flagships projects.
The aim of the project is to reduce the environmental threat posed by increasing shipping traffic and to take action in the event of accidents in the North Adriatic. In cooperation with The Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea – United Nations, based in Malta, and the Centre for Central European Initiatives in Trieste, we plan to extend the plan to the whole Adriatic including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. To maintain the health of the terrestrial ecosystem, the project promoters from the University of Belgrade presented the completion of the flagship project Protection and enhancement of natural terrestrial habitats and ecosystems - PET HAB ECO.
In the future, we expect to implement this flagship project with different projects in all EUSAIR countries. The result of our activities is a proposal for an application form for future Interreg projects, which can be implemented by anyone in any region. To obtain the application form, please contact
The project activities take into account the ecological corridors for large carnivores (bears, lynx, wolves) in the planning of development in the Dinarides and the importance of maintaining ecological links with the Alps and the Carpathians. The presentation of the basis for the Action Plan for the establishment of transboundary protected areas in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas attracted a great deal of attention from members coming from the various ministries responsible for the environment.
The Pillar Coordinator, Dr Mitja Bricelj, also provided information on the preparations for the organisation of the 23rd Session of the Barcelona Convention in Slovenia. Which will take place in Izola or the Slovenian Istria from 4 to 8 December 2023, including the organization of a special side event "Synergies: the Barcelona Convention - EUSAIR", aimed at presenting modern approaches for the planning and sustainable management of the coastal and marine resources of the Adriatic.
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