Embedding EUSAIR Flagships in National PA and OPs 2021-2027
Virtual Meeting of National Coordinators, Pillar Representatives and Managing Authorities on Embedding the EUSAIR Flagships in the PA and mainstream programs of the new programming period.
The EU Funds National Coordinator, General Director, Mr. Ioannis Firbas took the initiative to organize a virtual meeting, on Monday 14th September, aiming to kick-start the embedding process of flagships in the mainstream programs of the new programming period.
Almost 30 participants including the representatives of each Pillar and the ESIF Managing Authorities from the relevant Ministries, the Sectoral and Regional Operational Programs participated to the meeting.
The National Coordinator for ESI Funds informed the participants of the added value of embedding the EUSAIR flagships in the ESIF and underlined the need for the EUSAIR projects to be funded by the mainstream programs in order to achieve the necessary coordination with the other EUSAIR countries as well as long-lasting and multiplying results. Thus, the visibility of the Strategy will be further enhanced and EUSAIR projects will be implemented in the next programming period.
The Pillar representatives briefly presented the flagships of each pillar and offered clarifications where needed.
The Managing Authorities were given the chance to get more familiar with the EUSAIR priorities, to share their views on the eligibility of the proposed projects and actions and on the ways that the embedding process can move forward.
In conclusion, the National Coordinators and the pillar representatives will stay in close cooperation with the Managing Authorities in order to achieve the embedding of the flagships in ESIF mainstream programs.
A new meeting will be scheduled for next month, when the architecture of the Greek Partnership Agreement will be announced and the next steps for drafting the correspondent national documents are made.
Additional Actions:
On July 1st, the Facility Point GR Partner circulated a communication to relevant stakeholders regarding the embedding of EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) in ESIF.
The EUSBSR Progress Report,
titled “HOW THEY DO IT IN EUSBSR - Embedding EUSBSR in ESIF - progress report”,
was sent along with a Brief (written in Greek) focusing on the actions and initiatives taken by the EUSBSR in order to embed the EUSBSR priorities in the ESIF mainstream programs and the lessons that the EUSBSR can offer to the EUSAIR regarding the embedding process.