12th TSG1 meeting in the light of new (Blue Growth) project ideas
12th Meeting of the Thematic Steering Group for Pillar 1 – Blue Growth under the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) was held (virtually) on 7 December 2020. Representatives of 8 participating countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia) took presence as well as respective guests from various fields and respective EC services. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro with support of the European Integration Office – EUSAIR Facility Point Project Partner in Montenegro and Greek EUSAIR Facility Point Partner.
Among many other issues, on the occasion to the 12th TSG1 meeting participants were informed on state of art if current EUSAIR Slovenian Presidency. Slovenian EUSAIR National Coordinator Ms Andreja Jerina announced 6th EUSAIR Forum which is planned to be held in Izola on 11-12 May 2021. With regards to the new Financial Perspective 2021-2027, participants discussed current activities related to the Blue Growth macro-regional priorities and flagships and its further steps. TSG1 members agreed to invite representatives of some INTERREG programmes on their next session in order to jointly work on preparation of Programmes for the next period in terms of Blue Growth field. Furthermore, participants agreed on health as horizontal topic which will be proposed for inclusion into the new ADRION Cooperation Programme.
As the preparations for the next programming period 2021-2027 is currently in the heart of TSG1 work, the main focus during this meeting was work on further development of project ideas. Participants discussed and approved last project idea AIM-FRISH as well as new project ideas SeaSusPack, AMOS, EURYNOME which are to be improved in the next period. TSG1 members stay committed to implementation of the activities in the next year!