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Greening and a Holistic Approach: The Future of European Sustainable Tourism
POPRI EUSAIR Youth at the EUSBSR Annual Forum
Greece’s EUSAIR Presidency Prioritizes EU Enlargement, Environmental Protection, and Economic Cohesion
Kick-off of the “ASAP – ADRIATIC SENSITIVE AREAS PROTECTION MECHANISM” Project: A New Transnational Initiative for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea
Greening and a Holistic Approach: The Future of European Sustainable Tourism
The 24th meeting of the Thematic Steering Group of Pillar 4 of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) on Sustainable Tourism was held in the Albanian…
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POPRI EUSAIR Youth at the EUSBSR Annual Forum
The EUSBSR Annual Forum, dedicated to enhancing cooperation within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, was held from October 29-31, 2024, on the island of Visby, Sweden. This…
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Greece’s EUSAIR Presidency Prioritizes EU Enlargement, Environmental Protection, and Economic Cohesion
Greece assumed the presidency from Croatia this summer, presenting its priorities on Corfu, an Ionian island, to representatives from EU members Croatia, Italy, and Slovenia, as well as non-EU members…
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Kick-off of the “ASAP – ADRIATIC SENSITIVE AREAS PROTECTION MECHANISM” Project: A New Transnational Initiative for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea
Building on the valuable outcomes of the NAMIRS project, a new initiative funded by the Interreg IPA Adrion Programme was officially launched on September 24th at the premises of the…
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Did you know…
…what is the added value of EUSAIR for the Adriatic-Ionian region?
EUSAIR key implementers got together and defined key priorities in the Adriatic-Ionian region!
Flagships were proposed as solutions for the main challenges of macro-regional importance consistent with national needs as well as with the EU policy objectives for a greener, low-carbon and more connected Europe. Countries will meet concrete actions at national level to follow common goal/solutions for the region.