4th EUSAIR Financial dialogue in Slovenia
Financial dialogue in the form of a workshop, aimed at further harmonization of macro-regional contents with the investment needs of the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2021-2027, took place on 9 October 2019 in Ljubljana.
The 2nd Financial dialogue meeting this year was set as a workshop, attended by representatives of the Intermediate Bodies and Managing Authorities of the ESIF programs and of the Territorial Cooperation programs in Slovenia, responsible for the preparation of documents for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and Slovenian key stakeholders of EUSAIR, EUSDR and EUSALP.
Four groups were given the task to identify the parallels and combine macro-regional contents of their EUSAIR Pillar with investment needs of the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2021-2027. This task was based on the already labelled projects, presented at the 3rd Financial dialogue held in January 2019, and on the confirmed Pillar priorities.
Findings of the workshop opened a discussion about further possibilities to combine EUSAIR contents with the new financial framework post 2020, as well as to appropriately shape new emerging policies in order to pursue smart and sustainable future investments in the Adriatic-Ionian region. Participants agreed to work on realisation of the met conclusions and report back at the next meeting, which is foreseen to be organised at the beginning of 2020.