#SEA4FUTURE: 1st EUSAIR Communication Workshop for key implementers
On September 18, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy of Slovenia acting as the EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner organized the 1st communication workshop for EUSAIR governance structures which was attended by around 30 participants from 12 countries.
The 1 day intensive seminar was tailor made to address main challenges in the EUSAIR communication, and through the moderated group work and interactive sessions, identify and discuss possible solutions. The workshop was moderated by the external expert who introduced participants with methodological approach on strategic communication in the area of macroregions.
The domains covered during the workshop were:
-PESTLE/SWOT analysis,
-stakeholder mapping,
-key messages.
Throughout the workshop the methodological approach towards these themes was tested. The purpose of the workshop was to build capacities of the EUSAIR governance structures in the field of strategic communication and equip them with the right set of knowledge and skills to produce a more effective, visible and attractive communication about the added value and unique aspects of the EUSAIR Strategy.
The workshop aimed that participants will develop understanding on key approaches in strategic communication and be able to recognize and take advantage on communication opportunities in the EUSAIR.
Participants had plenty of opportunities to brainstorm and exchange ideas as the workshop was designed in interactive modules. Each module served as an input and thinking frame for the next module. Participants were divided into groups of 5-6 people, had 20-30 minutes for brainstorming, followed by a 3-5 minutes pitch by a nominated rapporteur.
The workshop will resulted in a preparation of report with recommendations on how to improve the communication in the EUSAIR, by focusing on priority areas that can assure the maximum value in an array of inputs. The workshop ended with highlighting the launch of a pilot project - the 2nd EUSAIR communication workshop dedicated to specific Pillar which will be organized by the end of the year 2019.
Following the workshop, we asked participants about their key takeaways and inquire on how to improve future communication in the EUSAIR. We summarized key conclusions here.
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